{the hidden baby journals} week 5
March 17, 2010

Baby is the size of an apple seed this week and looks kind of like a tadpole. The big news for the bean this week is he's starting to form major organs like the heart, kidney, liver and stomach! His nervous, circulatory and digestive systems are also starting to form.
How far along? 5 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: none
Maternity clothes? None yet, though my bloat seems to be stretching out my pants buttons.
Maternity clothes? None yet, though my bloat seems to be stretching out my pants buttons.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I still can’t get enough of it. Every day I come home from work and take a nap, and then by 8:00, I'm ready for bed.
Movement: NONE, of course.
Food cravings: Qdoba - nachos and burritos. Can't get enough of that spicy food!
Gender: I think it's a boy. No good reason why.
Labor Signs: None
Food cravings: Qdoba - nachos and burritos. Can't get enough of that spicy food!
Gender: I think it's a boy. No good reason why.
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Having a glass of wine on the weekends.
What I miss: Having a glass of wine on the weekends.
What I am looking forward to: Our first ultrasound and telling our parents!
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