Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Surprise Visit!
Last night was just another night. Ate dinner, watched a little television, went to bed early...same old, same old. My phone rang at midnight and I woke up to see it was my mom calling. Sometimes she forgets the time difference between Florida and Wisconsin and so I'm used to getting the occasional late night call. I sleepily answered to hear her laughing. She asked what I was doing, I said I was sleeping. Then she really woke me up by saying, "We're in your driveway! We came to see the baby!" {Our gender ultrasound is on Wednesday}
Turns out that my parents had planned a surprise visit - only my sisters knew! I was so shocked to see them! I'm so happy that they'll be able to share in the ultrasound with us.
Baby Dreams
I've had plenty of dreams since I found out I was pregnant. A lot of my dreams have involved having a boy or girl, having multiples, baby names and ultrasounds. A few weeks ago I had a dream that I went in for my ultrasound and decided to use the wand myself, since the tech wasn't in yet. Looking on the screen, I realized we were having a boy. When the tech came in to do the "real" ultrasound, it turns out that I had been looking at the baby upside down, so what I thought were boy parts, really were appendages or something. Turns out we were having a girl
Last night I had a dream that we had a little boy, born on November 24. My cousin, Jada, who is due a few days before me, had her baby boy on the same day. In this dream, Jason had named the baby David (without consulting me!).
Anyway, I've probably had more boy dreams than girl dreams. I don't know if this means we're having a boy, or if it means the opposite, and we're having a girl. We don't have much longer to wait though...only two more days until the big u/s!
Anyone else have any weird dreams while pregnant?
Second Trimester
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Pregnancy: Week 18
It'd been a few days since I felt any type of baby movement, so I was getting a little sad. I told the baby that it needed to give me a few kicks to let me know that everything was going okay in there. Then I put a little baby blanket (that Lisa brought me from Paris!) on my tummy in hopes that it would send good vibes to Bean to start kicking.
One hour later, still nothing.
I made my way to the computer for a little email time, and when I sat at the kitchen counter, I started to feel kicks like crazy! Then it was back and forth, from left to right. Imagine you were holding a plastic bag with a fish inside from the pet store. You know how you can feel the fish moving around and bumping into the sides of the bag? That's exactly how this felt.
The movement lasted about five minutes, all the while I'm shouting to Jason, "The baby's moving! He's moving all around!" Jason was excited, but the more I described it, the more light-headed he started to get. Have I mentioned that my husband gets queasy just talking about fluids?? I need to start briefing him on what exactly is going to happen in the delivery room.
How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +1 pound (total of 7 pounds gained)
Maternity clothes? That's all I'm wearing now.
Maternity clothes? That's all I'm wearing now.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Still love it!
Movement: Every few days.
Food cravings: Orange juice every morning on my way to work.
Gender: 7 days until the big ultrasound....any wagers?
Labor Signs: None
Food cravings: Orange juice every morning on my way to work.
Gender: 7 days until the big ultrasound....any wagers?
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I am looking forward to: Finding out if it's a boy or girl!
Belly Photos,
Second Trimester
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
We have movement!
I definitely felt movement today. I was sitting at my desk at work when I felt three tiny taps in the same spot. I sat really still, but didn't feel anything again. A few hours later, I felt another little tap, this time in a different spot! They were very light movements, but still baby flutters!!
Bean is the size of an onion today, and has fully formed fingerprints! His skeleton is hardening and he's finally starting to put on some fat. I put a ruler on my hand today to see how big the baby was in comparison. My hand is 6.5 inches from bottom of palm to top of middle finger, so Bean would literally fit in the palm of my hand! (though we don't want that to happen just yet - you keep cookin' little one!)

Second Trimester
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Pregnancy: Week 15
How far along? 15 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +5 pounds since last doctor visit (total of 6 pounds gained)
Maternity clothes? Yes please. I can't believe I didn't start wearing them sooner!
Maternity clothes? Yes please. I can't believe I didn't start wearing them sooner!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I don't take daily naps anymore, but still like to grab one every few days.
Movement: None yet - but I'm hoping any day now!
Food cravings: Cereal and chocolate.
Gender: I'll know in a few weeks!
Labor Signs: None
Food cravings: Cereal and chocolate.
Gender: I'll know in a few weeks!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I am looking forward to: Finding out if it's a boy or girl!
Belly Photos,
Second Trimester
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
{the hidden baby journals} week 12
We had our second doctor's appointment last week and got to see an ultrasound of our little bean. So much has happened in five weeks! Baby has gone from bean-status to looking like a real little human, complete with fingers and toes! Jason did quite well at the ultrasound, only getting white in the face a few times (he does NOT do well at doctor's offices). Our little one was putting on quite the show - somersaulting, kicking, and waving his little arms and legs. The heartbeat was going strong at 152 beats per minute. I tried to catch a glimpse of girl or boy parts, but the tech said that this early on they all look the same. I'll just have to be patient for the next 8 weeks!
I'm a few short days away from the second trimester! I can't believe how fast everything is going. It'll be November before I know it.
Now, as the proud mama I am, I'd like to introduce you to our beautiful son/daughter:
Belly Photos,
First Trimester,
{the hidden baby journals} week 7
March 31, 2010

Morning sickness hasn't been too bad. I've been feeling incredibly tired and a little nauseous some days, but most of the time I feel just fine! I haven't told anyone at work yet, or any friends - but I'm looking forward to doing so after our next doctor's appointment in five weeks.
How far along? 7 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: up 1 pound!
Maternity clothes? None yet, but I am having to do the rubber-band trick with my jeans. They still fit, but it's much more comfortable to leave them unbuttoned.
Maternity clothes? None yet, but I am having to do the rubber-band trick with my jeans. They still fit, but it's much more comfortable to leave them unbuttoned.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I still can’t get enough.
Movement: None yet.
Food cravings: Cereal
Gender: Let's still go with boy.
Labor Signs: None
Food cravings: Cereal
Gender: Let's still go with boy.
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I am looking forward to: Our next ultrasound and telling all our friends!
Belly Photos,
First Trimester,
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