Baby Dreams
I've had plenty of dreams since I found out I was pregnant. A lot of my dreams have involved having a boy or girl, having multiples, baby names and ultrasounds. A few weeks ago I had a dream that I went in for my ultrasound and decided to use the wand myself, since the tech wasn't in yet. Looking on the screen, I realized we were having a boy. When the tech came in to do the "real" ultrasound, it turns out that I had been looking at the baby upside down, so what I thought were boy parts, really were appendages or something. Turns out we were having a girl
Last night I had a dream that we had a little boy, born on November 24. My cousin, Jada, who is due a few days before me, had her baby boy on the same day. In this dream, Jason had named the baby David (without consulting me!).
Anyway, I've probably had more boy dreams than girl dreams. I don't know if this means we're having a boy, or if it means the opposite, and we're having a girl. We don't have much longer to wait though...only two more days until the big u/s!
Anyone else have any weird dreams while pregnant?
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