Pregnancy: Week 18
It'd been a few days since I felt any type of baby movement, so I was getting a little sad. I told the baby that it needed to give me a few kicks to let me know that everything was going okay in there. Then I put a little baby blanket (that Lisa brought me from Paris!) on my tummy in hopes that it would send good vibes to Bean to start kicking.
One hour later, still nothing.
I made my way to the computer for a little email time, and when I sat at the kitchen counter, I started to feel kicks like crazy! Then it was back and forth, from left to right. Imagine you were holding a plastic bag with a fish inside from the pet store. You know how you can feel the fish moving around and bumping into the sides of the bag? That's exactly how this felt.
The movement lasted about five minutes, all the while I'm shouting to Jason, "The baby's moving! He's moving all around!" Jason was excited, but the more I described it, the more light-headed he started to get. Have I mentioned that my husband gets queasy just talking about fluids?? I need to start briefing him on what exactly is going to happen in the delivery room.
How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +1 pound (total of 7 pounds gained)
Maternity clothes? That's all I'm wearing now.
Maternity clothes? That's all I'm wearing now.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Still love it!
Movement: Every few days.
Food cravings: Orange juice every morning on my way to work.
Gender: 7 days until the big ultrasound....any wagers?
Labor Signs: None
Food cravings: Orange juice every morning on my way to work.
Gender: 7 days until the big ultrasound....any wagers?
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I am looking forward to: Finding out if it's a boy or girl!
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